Terry pulling Dior's shoe.........
Dior getting a haircut, and Gunner watching from the stall..........
This is Mr. T....he was getting bored waiting for his turn and was doing a lot of yawning............
Mr T before his haircut.....his bridle path sticking straight up in a mowhawk (his name was appropriate today, LOL)....
Mr T relaxing and enjoying all the attention..............

Terry trimming Mr T's hoof.....
Sonny.....just waiting his turn...........
Mr T and Gunner saying hello.........................
And last but not least, here's an update on Gunner's leg .....it looks really good, there is only minimal swelling, not a lot of drainage, and no warmth or redness. Although he needs his feet trimmed too, we decided to wait. I didn't want to add more stress to him or his leg, and he is still a little sore. His feet are not bad, they can wait a week or two until his leg is healed more. Here is the "just injured" picture and a picture of how it looks today....pretty good for only 4 days healing time, huh.......
Well, that's all for today, I am gonna have a bowl of Taco soup that I made this morning, after a long day in the cold and rain, it's gonna be sooooooo good! Have a great evening everyone!
Your day turned out busy for it being a rainy, lazy day! And Gunner's leg looks much better. Kinda frightening at first. Glad it's better.